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442 08-19 178
441 ¶ΰ2 08-19 175
440 ׸2 08-19 174
439 2 08-19 179
438 ± 赵 Ҵ 08-19 174
437 ij־2 08-19 173
436 ̾2 08-19 177
435 Ʋߴ , Ѽ ~ ߾ 08-19 182
434 λC#п 08-19 182
433 ۰׸2 08-19 184
432 ȭƮ2 08-19 187
431 ?? 08-19 186
430 08-19 180
429 인형뽑기임 08-19 180
428 08-19 180
   381  382  383  384  385  386  387  388  389  390    
and or

select count(*) as cnt from g4_login where lo_ip = ''

145 : Table './exten/g4_login' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

error file : /bbs/board.php